“A tope”: Max.
“Aeróbico ligero”: Basic endurance/aerobic.
“Braza”: Breast.
“Calentamiento”: Warm up.
“Cómodo”: Easy.
“Crol”: Freestyle.
“Espalda”: Back. “Umbral anaeróbico”: Anaerobic threshold.
“Estilos”: Medlay.
“Fondista”: Distance swimmer.
“Goma”: Rubber band to tie up your ankles together.
“lpm (latidos por minute)”: bpm (beats per minute/heart rate)
“Mariposa”: Fly.
“Pies” or “patada”: Kick.
“Primer estilo”: Main stroke.
“Producción de lactato”: Lactate production.
“Rápido”: Fast.
“Recuperación”: Recovery.
“Segundo estilo”: Secondary stroke.
“Suave”: Slow.
“Técnica”: Drill.
“Tolerancia al lactato”: Lactate tolerance.
“Velocidad crítica/aeróbico intenso”: Critical speed/endurance.
“Velocistas”: Sprinters.
Probably there will be some words missing. If you want to know what does something not included mean, please leave a comment.
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